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Medical Thermography

Why you should consider

Medical Thermography

1. Medical Thermography is non-invasive and safe.

During a Medical Thermography* scan, your body experiences no contact or harm of any kind. Unlike, some traditional health screenings, for instance, a mammogram, you may experience unpleasant compression, poking, and prodding. In addition, you risk rupturing a malignant tumor encased during the unpleasant process. A tumor can rupture with just 22 pounds of pressure, allowing malignant cells to spread. No wonder women are in such discomfort during mammography; the machine exerts up to 42 pounds of pressure on the breasts, roughly equivalent to placing one cinder block on each breast.

Mammography also raises a woman's risk of developing radiation-induced breast cancer, in addition to being uncomfortable. You will have 20 to 30 mammograms throughout your life if you follow the suggestion to have one per year, from age 45 until age 54. That is a lot of radiation!

Example Mammogram Total Wellness SLidell LA

Thermography is NOT a stand-alone diagnostic test but is a safe and more comfortable adjunctive screening method for breast cancer and other health issues for women of all ages that can be performed more regularly. There is no routine screening test for women under the age of 40 currently. We propose that thermography be reviewed as a viable test for these women to fill this void. In some cases, Breast Thermography has been able to identify breast cancer in patients whose mammography results were negative. A November 2012 article in the New England Journal of Medicine brought this fact to light “Mammograms have failed to reduce fatalities in cancer across a population base as a sole method of screening.” As a result, a multi-modal approach, incorporating more methods than just mammography, could be life-saving to many women.

Breast Thermography AV Total Wellness Slidell

2. Medical Thermography provides early detection. It is truly a preventative test.

Breast Cancer: Did you know that there are over 20,000 cases of breast cancer reported annually in women under 40? According to Breast Thermography International, when cancer strikes younger women, it is typically a more aggressive form and less likely to respond to treatment. There is currently no routine screening test for women under 40.

Mammograms and ultrasounds are both anatomical tests, meaning they're looking for a physical structure (or tumor), and cancer must be a specific size (or density) for anatomical tests to detect them. By the time these tumors reach the required size or density, they have often been within the body for years. It isn't preventative at this stage; these tests only tell you if HAVE cancer!

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Thermography picks up heat associated with increased blood supply that feeds growing tumors.

Size breast tumors Total Wellness SLidell LA

In contrast, thermograms are physiological tests. We can detect heat signatures that indicate changes occurring as early as the angiogenesis process, which is just the formation of new blood vessels. These blood veins supply nutrition and oxygen to the tumor, causing it to grow. These extra blood vessels also generate heat in the area, which is why digital infrared cameras can identify it as a "hot spot" or a source of concern. These areas of concern can often be discovered years before some anatomical exams. The earlier you

can diagnose the disease, the greater your chances of correcting it. In a study at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Cornell, 58 of 68 tumors were correctly identified as malignant, achieving a sensitivity of 97% for thermographic imaging. Thermography is an important regime component of every woman's breast health regime starting at the age of 20!

Cerebrovascular screening: For those with a higher risk of stroke, early detection of clogged carotid arteries can be life-saving. Thermography can detect these through temperature measurements on the cranial images of an Head/Neck Thermography Scan. 

Head/Neck Thermography Total Wellness Slidell LA

Inflammation: Regarding your health, inflammation is the "silent killer." Of course, your body needs and even benefits from some inflammation, however, persistent and excessive inflammation can become a significant concern and even a sign of many serious diseases.

Acute inflammation is the body's fast-acting response to injuries and infections that seeks to eliminate harmful intruders and restore balance. In most cases, acute inflammation goes away within a few hours to days. 

Chronic inflammation begins in the same way as acute inflammation, with the body attempting to rid itself of what the immune system perceives as foreign invaders. However, it is a more gradual and subtle process. Even if the perceived threat isn't hazardous to one's health, this might become permanent. In some autoimmune diseases, the body incorrectly reacts to its tissues as if they were foreign, causing damaging inflammation. As a result, this chronic low-grade inflammation may continually simmer under the surface. Thermography can assist in locating these concerning areas that you may not know are happening in your body.

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3. It can benefit the whole body.

Thermography is well known as an adjunctive screening for breast health, however, it offers so much more than that. Because Thermography can pick up skin surface temperatures on the human body it can be used for analysis by a trained thermologist. Any disease process that emits heat or decreases circulation can possibly be detected through infrared thermal imaging.

The FDA has cleared the following as adjunctive screening methods with thermography:

  • Breast Cancer screening

  • Thyroid Pathology

  • Neuro-muscular conditions

  • Cerebrovascular screening

Other promising and emerging areas deserving consideration include:​

  • Infection

  • Fibrocystic breast disease

  • Vascular disease

  • Lymphatic stagnation

  • Breast Health

  • Skin Cancer

  • Testicular Cancer

Thermography scans also pick up on:

  • Breast Cancer

  • Thyroid Pathology

  • Cerebrovascular Health

  • Nerve Pathology

  • Inflammation

  • Infection

  • Fibrocystic breast disease

  • Vascular disease

  • Lymphatic stagnation

  • Breast Health

  • Any alteration of Skin Surface Temperature

In our lab, we provide for Head/Neck, Breast, Upper or Lower Body, and Full Body Thermography scans. Here is what each one entails a detailed written report with images along with a 15-minute consultation with one of our doctors explaining your results. 

4. Thermography is affordable.

Some become fixated on the fact that traditional insurance does not provide coverage for thermography. However, many people are unaware of how relatively affordable it is.

Depending on the thermography lab you visit, the prices vary. At our lab, Head/Neck scans are only $229. Breast scans are $229. Upper or Lower body scans are $369. And our Full body scans are $429! Annually breast thermography scan, this cost as low as $20/month or about 63 cents a day. And as high as $35/month or about $1.18 a day for Full body scan.

In the end, there is much value in each of these scan possibilities, and the data uncovered may even change your life. That is now priceless! In the long run, proactive and preventative health care will always be less expensive. When you keep track of your body over time, you may frequently spot problems at a point where simple lifestyle modifications could dramatically improve your health. For example, if you don't have time to eat healthily today, consider how much time you will lose when you are unwell. If you lack the funds for effective early detection techniques, consider how much it would cost you if you discovered your breast cancer at stages 3 or 4.

I'm not trying to spread fear because in all actuality, this will hold true even if you decide against using thermography. The dollar amount it costs now is only one factor to take into account when I talk about affordability. Consider how it will affect your future since the answer is and will always be that being proactive and preventative will INEVITABLY save you in the long run!

5. Thermography has an accuracy rate of up to 97% when conducted correctly.

First and foremost, no screening tool is 100% effective to date. Furthermore, most of these screenings, such as thermography, are intended to be something other than stand-alone testing. We obtain the most astonishing results when we mix technology!

The American Journal of Surgery claims that thermography has a sensitivity of up to 97%. Therefore, thermography is a valuable adjunctive screening approach because the risk is a big fat zero.


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